Hand rankings
Some hand are stronger and some are weaker. Compare the hands and learn how to rank them.
Hands are combined with cards:
- of the same rank (pairs),
- of the same suit and
- if they are in a row (straight).
Royal Flush
The strongest hand in Poker is: Ace, King, Queen, Jack and 10 of the same suit (A-K-Q-J-10).
Straight Flush
5 cards in a row of the same suit. The stronger straight is the one ending with a card of the highest rank.
4 cards of the same rank. Stronges hand is the one with cards of the highest rank. In case of a draw we compare the kicker.
Full House
3 cards of the same rank and a pair. The stronger hand is the one with higher three cards.
5 cards of the same suit. The strongest hand is the one with the card of the highest rank.
5 cards in a row of different suit. The strongest straight is A-K-Q-J-10, and the weakest is A-2-3-4-5 where Ace is counted as a one.
Three cards of the same rank. In case of a draw we compare the kicker.
Two pairs
2 times 2 cards of same rank. The strongest hand is the one with the higher ranking pair. If there is a draw we compare the kicker cards.
2 cards of the same rank. Best hand is the one with higher ranking. If there is a draw we compare the kicker card.
High hand
In a hand without any pair we compare only the highest card and if neccessary the